Aus Berlin !


Coronavirus information

Our team is there for you! Since the beginning of the Corona crisis, opticians and optometrists have been classified as systemically relevant. Due to this we are available for our customers during our regular opening hours as usual.

Monday - Friday 10.00 to 19.00 and
Saturday 10.00 to 14.00.

Personal customer contact has always been part of our profession. Even in times of the pandemic this is indispensable for us. We would like to continue to offer you a professional eye examination or a consultation in which we can individually address your wishes and needs. In order to be able to guarantee this and still get through the pandemic safely together, the following instructions apply to your visit at Offensichtlich:

Click & Meet | Please arrange an appointment

Since spring 2020, we ask you to make an appointment for an eye examination, the purchase of glasses and also repairs! In this way, we can ensure that only one or two customers out of one household are in the shop at one time and that the risks of an infection are minimized for all sides.

Click here and Make an Appointment.


With Offensichtlich the mandatory use of masks applies

Wearing a mouth and nose protection is compulsory for everyone at Offensichtlich. Of course, we always wear a mask during your visit. Since March 31, 2021, wearing a FFP2 mask is mandatory in public areas such as public transport, medical practices and health care facilities, retail shops of all kinds as well as in craft, service and other commercial enterprises with public traffic.
This also applies to Offensichtlich, of course!

According to the 3rd SARS-CoV-2 infection control measures regulation and as a reaction to the very high Corona case numbers, the "2G regulation" (vaccinated or recovered) applies to us since 15.11.2021. This means that we only carry out measurements and consultations if we have been able to verify these requirements at the outset. We can examine and advise persons under 18 years under 3G conditions.

Note: If you cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons, please contact us.

Please understand that we cannot tell at first glance whether masks with an exhaust valve provide the protection offered. Therefore, we ask you to use a mask without a valve during your visit.
For the protection of our customers and our team, we would currently like to refrain from making exceptions of the mask requirement, even if a medical certificate is presented. Alternative methods of protection such as a scarf or the so-called face shield are also undesirable with us!  

Beyond that, the following still apply with us:

Our hygiene measures

First of all, we would like to ask you to always enter our store wearing an FFP2 mask.

Furthermore we ask every customer to wash or disinfect their hands first. For this purpose we provide you with appropriate hand disinfection and soap. You will also find hand cream for the care of the currently so stressed hands in our washrooms.😀

Our spectacle frames and measuring instruments as well as all surfaces in our store are of course regularly disinfected and cleaned. In addition, our rooms are ventilated at regular intervals and our store has a supply and exhaust air system.
For the protection of our customers and employees our team always wears FFP3 masks.

Reducing contacts:

If you are a contact lens wearer and only want to reorder your contact lenses, you can do this as usual by phone or email. We will contact you immediately if there are any queries or if your contact lenses have arrived at our office. We may also send them to your home.

A note in own matters:

If you feel symptoms of a cold, we would kindly like to ask you to refrain from your appointment in any case and come back to see us at a later date. In this case, our team is required to protect themselves and to arrange a new appointment with clients who have a cold. We kindly ask for your understanding.


Test centers for Corona rapid tests in Berlin Mitte

You can currently find the following Corona test centers (PCR & rapid tests) in our neighbourhood

Coronatest.de | S/U Friedrichstraße

Anschrift:       Ziegelstraße 30 | 10117 Berlin
Webseite:     https://www.coronatest.de
Hinweise:       Kostenloser Schnelltest wird angeboten

Montag - Freitag: 06:00 - 20:00 Uhr
Samstag - Sonntag: 08:00 - 20:00 Uhr

Corona-Testcenter Berlin

Anschrift:       Platz vor dem neuen Tor 2 | 10115 Berlin
Webseite:     https://testcenter-corona.de/berlin/
Hinweise:       Kostenloser Schnelltest wird angeboten

Montag - Freitag: 10:00 - 16:00 Uhr

Corona Schnelltestzentrum Berlin Mitte

Anschrift:       Ziegelstraße 30 | 10117 Berlin
Webseite:     http://www.schnelltestberlin.de
Hinweise:       Kostenloser Schnelltest wird angeboten
                    PCR-Nachtestung möglich
                    Terminbuchung möglich

Montag - Freitag: 07:00 - 20:00 Uhr
Samstag - Sonntag: 07:00 - 20:00 Uhr


On https://test-to-go.berlin/?lang=en you will find all the offers for conducting a free rapid test with a corresponding official certificate of the test result.

Furthermore you may find all important official information here:

Second SARS-CoV-2 Infection Protection Measures Ordinance

Stay healthy!

Your Offensichtlich team

Hier schreibt für Sie das Team von Offensichtlich - Ihrem Augenoptiker. Wir schreiben über Aktuelles in der Augenoptik und alles was uns oder unsere Nachbarschaft betrifft. -> Seien Sie gespannt.

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